Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coming home

These last few months in South Africa have been amazing! I have accomplished what I came out to do: God has confirmed in me a call to missions and a heart for the people of the world and has taught me all about the South African culture. I have so many stories to tell when I get back to the States and can't wait to speak with each of you more specifically about my experiences here. Which leads me to the next step...
Many of you have heard that I was trying to extend my stay in South Africa for another 3 months to refine what my niche is in missions - what ministries I fit into in this country of endless possibilities. I was approved to extend my Visa, was offered a part-time job, a vehicle to use, even a place to stay (which was amazing!) but substantial ministry opportunities did not arise. Also, there was an underlying "unsettling" that maybe it wasn't the right time. I talked with many people, and it seemed everyone pointed me towards the "next step" - seminary. "But I don't want to go to seminary!" was my answer, "I want to serve the LORD now!" I'm not opposed to learning - that part I love - it's just the time involved that is the problem. However, God has been at work in my heart over the past few weeks, and has surprised me and everyone involved. He has lead me to a Scripture that spoke specifically to me; it's Proverbs 19:2 - "It is not good to have zeal
without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way."  And again in the same chapter, "Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise," Proverbs 19:20.  So, I am returning to the States as originally planned - Friday, 
January 30! From there the path is not quite known as of yet, but things are in the making. I am going to pursue seminary and begin the learning process. It's exciting and crazy at the same time!
I hope to see all of you upon my return and will keep you informed as things develop. THANK YOU so much for your prayers and emails of encouragement; I have needed them!
I will update my blog with the rest of my adventures while here as soon as I can. Don't have the photos on my computer yet but as soon as I have them, I will show you info on my last month here. 

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